Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana |
A Government of India initiative aimed at empowering the girl child in India. The foundation of this scheme was the intitiative ‘betibachaobetipadhao’ that was aimed at protecting and educating the future women in the country.
A dual advantage of saving for the girl child as well as getting good returns has made this scheme popular in India. Not only is it aimed at saving, but also offers a twin benefit of preventing child marriages.

- The account has a total duration of 21 years from the date of opening and matures thereafter.
- A 50% withdrawal is possible after the girl attains the age of 18
- Duration of investment is 15 years subject to minimum Rs 1000 deposit every year.
- Incasethe girl child becomes a citizen of another country, the account is deemed closed.
- Incase of unfortunate death of the child, the balance can be withdrawn by the parent/guardian by submitting valid proofs.
A single account can be opened for each girl child, either at the Post Office or at any bank. This account can only be registered for a household with a maximum of two female children. More than two accounts in a family can be opened only when twins or triplet girls are born.
For more queries on SSY, please get in touch with our Financial Experts.