Complaints |
Despite our best efforts, we may at times fall short of your expectations. Please feel free to write to us since we believe that your feedback will take us in the right direction to higher service levels.
Your may put in your complaints at
If required, you may also escalate your issue to the Head of Customer Service at
As we understand, the overall financial system in India is a complex web comprising of numerous banks, insurers, asset management companies and smaller finance companies. These along with their respective regulators form that intricate structure where we operate as service providers. Should there be a lapse in the system as a result of which our services are affected, our representative shall inform you, along with the possible solution and timelines.
Rest assured, we will always ensure that our frontline team sets the highest standards of service. Any delay is regrettable and we would attempt to avoid any inconvenience to you at all costs..
To ensure a smooth and complaint free experience with MoneyMinar, we advise you to stay in touch with your dedicated service manager. In the absence of any communication gaps between us, we are sure that complaints would never arise.