About Us |
A gentleman once asked, “If I need Rs.75000 as pension every month after I retire, how much do I need to save and more importantly where do I invest it?’
This simple question led to a concept called MoneyMinar. Here, we look at achieving complex financial goals through systematic and simple steps.
With decades of collective industry experience, our team studies all the instruments in the financial industry on a regular basis. When you turn to us for advice, we offer you a composite solution regarding your existing investments as well as necessary additions to fulfil your financial objectives.
Before planning your finances, we do an in-depth analysis of your risk appetite, identity the gaps in your portfolio, and then taking into account your current financial capacity, come up with a simple solution that takes you to complete success. This brings the MoneyMinar ADVANTAGE to your lives.
Whether you are looking at a pension income, planning for your child’s education and marriage, drawing up a contingency plan or simply targeting a large purchase like a new car or house in the years to come, our experts give you the best solutions on how to walk the road to prosperity!
So whether you have chalked out your financial goals, or still need professional help in identifying and evaluating them, come and discuss them with our team. We believe that good goal setting is the foundation of sound financial planning, the lack of which is a sureshot recipe for disaster.
Often we feel the need to discuss our financial priorities or plans with someone but are hesitant or conscious of bringing this up with friends or family; it is here that our team of experts will be able to assist you. For years, we have not just been a source of advice for countless people, but a trusted friend to whom you can turn to. |